@LayW_Factory324,059 followersSoloist from Factory Media

Member of Players (Sub Vocal, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper, Visual, Maknae)

~I'm ready for take-off~
19h56 May 5

just back from my first show, I was so stressed but it went pretty well. Being from the public is something magical, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to start again.
How did you find me ?

#l.o.v.e #universe #firstshow #ilovemyfans #wow
13h25 April 19

Well, as you can see, I'm going to start a solo career. It makes me sad, but at the same time, to know my Hyungs near me it reassures me.

#Laydebut #l.o.v.e
11h09 April 2I know that many of you have been disappointed to have learned of Yuan's departure and the postponement of Player's activities. But we are all very sad about this situation, I hope this adventure will bring us even closer.13h25 March 15Sorry for not being able to post all this time but we were too busy ... and lots of things happened ...
I can't really tell you more but we will do our best to come back even stronger!
I love you and take care of you !
22h14 January 21

I'm with my Hyung ~ ♥
He gives me lots of tips to learn to rap correctly before our debut !

#PlayersDebut #Lay #Ilovemyhyung #seeyousoon